Gifted and Talented (GT)

Our mission is to identify gifted and talented students from diverse backgrounds and to provide high-quality differentiated opportunities for learning that meet and extend students’ particular academic abilities and talents. We also provide social and emotional support for these students through SEL Lunch Bunch groups. In addition we connect students with mentors and programming within the school and throughout the community. 


The main focus and priority is to service students who are identified as gifted and have an ALP. These students exhibit abilities that are far beyond their grade level peers, show complex thinking skills, and have scored in the 95th percentile or above on a cognitive test and in the 95th percentile or above on iReady.

The Gifted and Talented Program services students not identified, but who are in the top 10% of grade level students at Park Elementary as determined by a body of evidence such as:  iReady, CogAT, NNAT, exceeding grade level standards, and assessments given by the GT teacher.

Services in ELA and Math will be identified by: 

  • Has a cogAT score of 92% or above.
  • Has scored 90% or above in iReady. 
  • Exceeding grade level standards as evidence by 5s on report cards or assessments


Gifted Program at Park Elementary Presentation