
Crisis Plan

Park Elementary has comprehensive crisis plans in place that are practiced regularly. Our school has a crisis team that meets quarterly to review these plans and assess our readiness for a variety of emergencies. These plans are also reviewed with our staff annually.

The plans that Park Elementary has in place include the following:

  • Delayed Dismissal
  • Evacuation
  • Fire
  • Severe Weather
  • Reverse Evacuation
  • Lockdown
  • Shelter In Place
  • Student Accounting
  • Student Release


Types of Emergencies

These plans direct the school staff on how to respond to the following types of emergencies:

  • Lightning
  • Tornado
  • Hazardous Materials Release
  • Accidental Injury
  • Fire
  • Winter Storm
  • Intruder on Campus
  • Accidental Death
  • Dangerous Activity in the Neighborhood